
Friday, November 19, 2010

Tinnitus Cures - Do They Work?

One of the first questions that people start asking after they've been told they have Tinnitus is, "What's the cure?" That's not an easy answer for anyone to give, not even a doctor. The simple answer is that no true "cure" for Tinnitus exists in today's medical world. There are just ways to cover up the symptoms temporarily. There are a few options for Tinnitus cures, do they work? Well that's up for you to decide.

When a patient goes in to see a doctor they expect results, they want to leave that office with something in hand that's going to improve their quality of life. Unfortunately, for those that suffer from Tinnitus that isn't always the case. Doctors aren't able to give people the answers they're so desperately seeking.

The options that doctors do have for treating patients with Tinnitus usually have to do with prescribing some sort of antidepressant, muscle relaxant, or antipsychotic drug. Currently no pill exists for Tinnitus, so they have to use what's available. The problem with prescribing these types of drugs is that they are dangerous to be taken for long periods of time, and they can only cover up the symptoms of Tinnitus.

Some people experience relief and then as soon as they stop taking the medications the ringing and buzzing sounds are back, and sometimes it's worse than ever before. More and more people are turning to the newer methods of treating Tinnitus. And in many cases the Tinnitus has never returned to the patient, leaving them to lead a normal life again.

Tinnitus cures, do they work? Well yes some of them do, but unfortunately not all of them. It's up to the patient to do some research and see what options are best for them. For most people that means staying away from drugs and using some of the other products on the market.

View the original article here

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