
Sunday, October 31, 2010

What Causes Tinnitus? - A Simple Technique to Cure Tinnitus

Many people don't understand that their Tinnitus is a treatable condition. All they have to do is find out what causes Tinnitus and then work from there to reduce their symptoms, and then finally get rid of it all together.

By far the biggest contributor to Tinnitus is stress. Stress will cause blood pressure to go up, as well as anxiety, and even cause an increase/decrease in appetite. These issues alone probably won't cause someone to develop Tinnitus but all together they can wreak havoc on a person's ears and sanity. Stress itself has many causes, so by the time a person thinks of all the possibilities they may become frustrated and just want to quit.

But they shouldn't, because thousands of people just like them were able to get rid of their Tinnitus by going through the same processes. It wasn't until recently that it was even known that Tinnitus was caused by other issues going on in the body. For years people were just attributing it to "ear problems." Now that more is known about the condition more can be done to cure it.

It doesn't really matter what causes Tinnitus as long as someone understands that they can get rid of it by making some lifestyle changes and putting some good information to work for them. They don't have to figure everything out alone and go through trial and error, thousands of other people have already done that and by compiling their experiences and results science has made it possible for others to get rid of their Tinnitus too.

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Saturday, October 30, 2010

Serenity Tinnitus Relief

Serenity Tinnitus ReliefThere are two recent trends in using dietary and nutritional substances in the treatment of tinnitus.

First, studies have shown that people suffering from tinnitus may achieve relief of their symptoms by the use of the nutritional supplement ginkgo biloba. Ginkgo is one of the most widely studied nutritional substances. It is best known for the claim that it serves as a memory aid and is now widely used for that reason.

Some studies also indicate that a zinc deficiency may be associated with hearing loss and tinnitus. Zinc supplementation may also be useful in the relief of tinnitus.

Second, the use of anti-anxiety and anti-depressant drugs has been increasing in the treatment of tinnitus. This is due to the recognition of the stress that is suffered by persons exposed to the constant ringing in their ears. St. John's Wort is an herbal supplement recognized for its anti-depressant and mood elevation effects.

Serenity Tinnitus Relief was formulated by an Ear Nose and Throat Specialist who developed loud tinnitus after suffering a sudden hearing loss. He went through the recommended initial treatment recommendations with only minimal benefits. Unfortunately, masking techniques, even with the most expensive devices, offered no relief.

The constant nature and loudness of the tinnitus became a continuing source of stress interfering with his work, his family life, and even his ability to get a good night's sleep.

Not wishing to go on prescription anti-anxiety and anti-depressant drugs, perhaps for years, he researched his alternatives. The ingredients and formulation of Serenity Tinnitus Relief are the results of that research. He found that after a few weeks of taking Serenity Tinnitus Relief the loud ringing didn't seem to bother him as much. After six months of taking the supplement he is still aware of the tinnitus at times, but the sense of stress and anxiety is gone. He is able to just put it out of his mind and carry on with life as before.

Price: $24.95

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Friday, October 29, 2010

What Is Tinnitus? Why Can't I Hear You?

Definition: - Tinnitus is an acute disorder of ear where subject reports constant humming or ringing in ear leading to partial or permanent damage to hearing.

How does it happen: - There can be various reasons for loss of hearing, but when a subject suffers from a hearing loss due to Tinnitus then the reasons may vary,

1) Tinnitus can be caused by heavy metal or rock music or sound waves hitting our eardrum passing through ear pinna at 70 decibels in the lowest order to the astronomical limits, consequently our ear drum bursts and stops functioning for further transmitting, the sound waves to the cochlea and auditory nerves connected to brain.

2) Tinnitus can further be caused by the head injury, which damages the nerves which are connected to the cochlea. Thus in this case the external mechanism is well intact, but the internal mechanism is disrupted.

3) Sometimes due to heavy shock waves generated by various industries like jet, fabrication and casting industry or the industry of music makes dramatic changes in the fluid of cochlea leading to partial or permanent auditory loss in an individual. Heavy explosions as is in war period or terror strikes may also lead a subject to Tinnitus. There are many chances of you being exposed to Tinnitus if you are a disco jockey and in constant touch of heavy music.

Symptoms of Tinnitus: - There are many symptoms of tinnitus, but the primary and the permanent symptom is humming or perpetual ringing sound heard by the subject at all times which only he can perceive.

View the original article here

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Treat My Tinnitus

Drug free remedy to curing tinnitus (ringing in the ears). Converts like bonkers with low refunds. Everything you need here: http://TreatMyTinnitus.com/affiliates.html

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T17 Mucolytic Drainage Formula

T17 Mucolytic Drainage FormulaT17 Mucolytic Drainage Formula is helpful in those cases of Tinnitus that are caused by excessive wax and mucus deposition in the ear.* It helps in optimal drainage of mucus, thus preventing excess deposition.* Mucus and wax are liquefied so that they do not accumulate and lead to blockage and pressure changes within the ear.*


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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

When Is Tinnitus Not Tinnitus?

Most causes of tinnitus today are occupational or lifestyle-related. Loud noises at work or listening to loud music can cause ringing in the ears and, if done over long periods of time, can lead to permanent hearing loss. Drug use and abuse (such as taking high doses of aspirin or ibuprofen) can also lead to tinnitus. Around ten million people across America have irreversible hearing loss, with around 30 million more being subjected to uncomfortable and unhealthy levels of noise every day.

But if you work in an office and heavy metal isn't your thing and you're still suffering with constant ringing in the ears, it may be something more serious. In these cases, none of the most common home remedies for tinnitus - like decreasing your salt intake, exercising, getting plenty of rest and lessening stress - can help. Issues like these require a doctor's intervention.

Serious Causes of Tinnitus-Type Symptoms

Tinnitus is a symptom of Meniere's Disease, which also causes dizziness, a feeling of fullness in the ear or downright hearing loss. The feeling can last anywhere from a few days to a few hours, and then resolves on its own. Meniere's Disease is actually a condition related to the ear itself and, although the cause is unknown, there are several treatment options available.

Another more serious issue is an acoustic neuroma, or a type of brain tumor that grows on the auditory nerve. With an acoustic neuroma, you typically only hear ringing in the ears on one ear or the other, instead of both. Other serious issues which can cause tinnitus symptoms include anemia (a lack of red blood cells) or an overactive thyroid. Only your doctor can diagnose and recommend treatment for serious issues that cause tinnitus-like symptoms.

Either way, it pays to have your ears examined and a hearing test conducted if tinnitus is affecting your life, work or school. Each type of tinnitus has its own treatment regimen based on your lifestyle, nutritional and exercise habits, any medications you're taking, and your family history. Talk with your doctor if your tinnitus is interfering with your daily life.

Robert Silver has been on the internet for several years blogging, and writing articles involving several topics throughout the years. He lives with his wife Lorette, in Washington State on Whidbey Island, and suffers from tinnitus (ringing in the ears) himself, which is why he wrote this article and put together his site for other tinnitus sufferers.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Robert_Silver

Robert Silver - EzineArticles Expert Author

View the original article here

Triumph Tinnitus Today: Step By Step Guide To Turning Down Tinnitus

75% Commission. Complete, Well Organized, Step By Step Guide To Getting Rid Of Tinnitus. Amazing Affiliate Support! Find Out More: http://www.turndowntinnitus.com/affiliate-program. html

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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Tinnitus New Hope for a Cure

Discover new ways to cure ringing in the ears using natural methods (70 pages with references) - Stop the ringing in your ear, fast! Hear The Quiet, Sleep, Focus Better!

Unfortunately, tinnitus is a common problem. It may surprise you to learn that about 36 million Americans suffer from tinnitus which is the term used for a ringing in the ears. In most cases the individual has to learn how to live with it rather then find a cure for it. The ringing in someone’s ears is not a sound that everyone can hear and it often is not serious. It is known as tinnitus and it is not only heard as a ringing in the ear but it can also be heard as a buzzing, roaring, whistling or hissing sound depending on the person.

There are two types of tinnitus but the most common type of tinnitus is less understood. In this amazing new ebook you will understand and have access to the secrets, causes, symptoms, and cures to ringing of the ears.

But, how is tinnitus caused? At some point, everyone experiences tinnitus. Have you ever heard the old saying that if you hear a ringing in your ear it means that someone is talking about you? Well, it’s not true. Sometimes tinnitus can be caused by a very curable method. f you are interested in learning everything there is to know about tinnitus, than this is going to be the most important information you'll ever read...

Yes, you could have clear, un-obstructed hearing. It truly is possible, but you just need to know how. Recently, a new breakthrough in tinnitus was discovered and reported in an amazing new eBook called Curing Tinnitus: Natural Secrets Revealed.

It's amazing, because it covers nearly every bit of information you wanted to know about tinnitus, plus more...

- How to cure tinnitus naturally...
- 3 little known, yet simple ways to recognize tinnitus...
- Secret of expert tinnitus specialists that few people ever know about...
- 3 proven steps to curing tinnitus by changing your diet...
- 2 simple keys (that are right in front of your eyes) to understanding how tinnitus effects you...
- WARNING: 3 things you should never do when it comes to treating tinnitus...
- You'll discover in just a few short minutes how to recognize the different types of tinnitus...
- 6 time tested and proven strategies for treating tinnitus...
- When to look to seek medical treatment for your tinnitus...
- 7 everyday but often overlooked tips and tricks for avoiding tinnitus in the future...
- A pennies on the dollar approach to finding the right treatment for you..
- How often to get your hearing checked...
- How to understand the hidden causes of tinnitus...
- The once famous but forgotten secret that instantly helps you understand afflictions that have tinnitus as a symptom...

Table of Contents:
Chapter One: Why Are My Ears Ringing?:An Overview of Tinnitus
Chapter Two: Do You Hear What I Hear: How Your Ear Works
Chapter Three: Types of Tinnitus
Chapter Four: Causes and Prevention of Tinnitus
Chapter Five: Secret Causes of Tinnitus
Chapter Six: Natural Secrets To Curing Tinnitus

Lets be honest here...You can have someone go out and spend countless hours doing research for you, gathering information, interviewing the professionals, and wouldn't even get close to the amount of information that's jam packed in this eBook...

Because you see...This isn't some off the wall pieced together eBook! In fact - This eBook Is So Exclusive That You Can Only Get It Online Through This Web Site. But best of all...This eBook "Curing Tinnitus: Natural Secrets Revealed" is written in plain, easy to understand English (This means that you won't find any super complicated technical jargon here) - It's written to be dead-easy to read and understand, and it's laid out so you can easily follow it.

That's why the 70 page "Curing Tinnitus: Natural Secrets Revealed" is truly a bargain at $8.95. That means that you can get your hands on this latest cutting edge information in minutes.

Price: $14.95

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Monday, October 25, 2010

When Tinnitus Is Catastrophic

There are times when people encounter problems involving their ears and when it comes to this, one of the most common problems that people have is tinnitus. In terms of a tinnitus problem, what happens in this case is that you will have a buzzing or ringing in your ears. This can be very irritating at times and some people find this to be truly uncomfortable.

A problem with tinnitus though is not something that you should worry about because it can be treated if necessary. With regard to a problem with tinnitus, normally people experience a buzzing in your ears but this can be attributed to varying reasons. A simple thing such as wax build up can be the reason for the buzzing in your ears but there are times when more complex infections cause the problem.

It is the perception of sound by people without the presence of any external sound that you are undergoing when it comes to tinnitus. What people usually here when it comes to this condition is that of ringing. The sound that people hear in this case is a buzzing sound even if they describe it as ringing.

With regard to a problem with tinnitus, this is not a disease as most people think. It is more of a symptom for another underlying condition. Buzzing in the ears can be a good indicator that something may be wrong with your system and this is why you should go for an evaluation if you are experiencing tinnitus.

Taking a problem with tinnitus into consideration, it carries a scientific explanation but there is also an earthly belief attributed to it. There are certain beliefs from the East and the New Age with regard to tinnitus and they say that it happens as your physical body tunes in to your energy body. Taking a buzzing in the ears into consideration, it can have different explanations but the problem should never be ignored.

If there is a person with a hearing impairment, he or she might suffer from tinnitus. There are some people who need to take medicines and this can be another cause for the ringing. If people happen to suffer from noise induced hearing loss, it is possible that they might develop tinnitus.

On most occasions, people who experience tinnitus experience something subjective. Because you are dealing with something subjective in this case, you cannot diagnose the problem with tests. Even if you can depend on an audiometric exam in most cases, here you cannot do so.

It is possible for a tinnitus problem to only be a slight problem and this is if the person does not feel too uncomfortable when it comes to the condition. When it comes to tinnitus, there are times when the condition can be catastrophic. Cases of tinnitus which are categorized as catastrophic usually leads people to experience sleep deprivation and there could be interferences with their daily activities.

The people who experience cases of tinnitus actually come from all over the world as it is one common problem that people face. With regard to the onset of a problem with tinnitus, when a person has ringing in his or her ears, chances are a number of varying reasons are to blame. More prone to developing a problem with a ringing in their ears are the people who are over the ages of 50 years old.

In this case, it is not possible to rely on the help of audiometers and similar tools to measure or diagnose a problem with tinnitus. When it comes to tinnitus, it is not a disease. Such a problem is actually treatable.

View the original article here

Understanding Tinnitus: Causes, Symptoms and Natural Cures

A guide on how to best deal with the medical condition tinnitus, which is characterized by a continuous sound in the ears.

Check it out!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Tintinnalogia, or, the Art of Ringing

Tintinnalogia, or, the Art of RingingI have seen a Treatise intituled, _de Tintinnabulis_--that is, of little Bells, the Language Latin, but pen'd by a _Dutchman_, being a Discourse of striking tunes on little Bells with traps under the feet, with several Books on several Instruments of Music, and Tunes prick't for the same.

Price: $3.40

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Saturday, October 23, 2010

Which Hearing Aid Style Is Right For You?

When you first found out that you had hearing loss, you probably imagined a life resigned to wearing one of those huge, plastic-y looking devices that your Great Aunt Ruth sported for the last 20 years of her life. But you are in for a pleasant surprise! There are actually a number of different models from which to choose, all of them designed with different age groups and lifestyles in mind. So before you panic thinking that you are going to look like an elderly person from here on out, check out these different styles of hearing aids that you could choose from.

1. In-the-canal

These are the least visible to the outside world, because they are molded to fit deep down inside your ear canal. These are great for people who have mild hearing loss, but not severe degrees, because the amplification of sound is less powerful than more visible types. This model is very compatible with telephone use. The batteries in these in-the-canal ones are smaller and less powerful, too, which means replacing them more often. Because these in-the-canal models are custom-molded, they can be a bit on the expensive side as well.

2. Half-shell

Half-shell styles are very small, and are custom-molded to fill the bowl in the lower portion of your ear. These, too, are great for mild and moderate hearing loss, and work well with hearing aids. One advantage over in-the-canal models is that these types include extra features like being able to control your volume, or pointing the microphones in different directions.

3. Full-shell

This is similar to the half-shell, but the mold fits the entire bowl area of your outer ear. This style works well for people with up to severe hearing loss. It is quite visible to others, and is more susceptible to picking up on wind noises, which the other smaller models are not because they are further inside the ear. These are easier to handle for those who are not particularly dexterous. They also tend to use larger batteries, which means that you do not have to replace them very often, which can help cut down on expenses in the long-term. They also boast convenience features like volume adjustment, which can make them more comfortable and enjoyable to use.

4. Behind the ear fit

These behind-the-ear aids are probably what you think of when you imagine the aforementioned Great Aunt Ruth turning up the volume on her dinosaur-style hearing device. Some models are made to be sleeker these days, but they are still generally quite visible. These styles feature the greatest degree of amplification, so they are great options for those with severe hearing loss, which is why you see them so often on elderly people, who also tend to be less concerned with aesthetics.

5. Open fit

These devices also go behind the ear, but they are much smaller than the standard behind-the-ear ones, and therefore are less visible to the public. But because of their size, they lack manual adjustment, and they also use very small batteries.

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